Brooklyn Burn Injury Lawyer
Pursue the Financial Support You Need After Serious Burns
A New York personal injury law firm can help you if you have sustained some type of burn injury. Burn injuries are serious, debilitating, and sometimes fatal injuries. They can be caused by many types of accidents, and often leave the victim with disfigurement for the rest of their lives. If you or someone you love sustained a burn injury, the experienced Brooklyn burn injury attorneys at Belushin Law Firm can help you file a claim.
Schedule your free case evaluation to discuss your legal options.
Call us today at (888) 918-9890.
Do I have a valid injury claim?
A burn injury can be caused by heat, flame, chemical materials, electricity, radiation, or friction. When a person is in an accident such as a car accident or a mechanical accident at work, they are often at risk of being exposed to fire, chemical materials, or friction. Car fires can seriously injure or even kill the victim of a car crash, and airbag friction burns can cause serious scarring and permanent injury. If you have been injured in any type of accident and sustained burn injuries, you should speak with a lawyer about filing a claim to compensate you for your pain and suffering.
A burn injury can vary in its severity from first degree burn to a fourth-degree burn, but they are all damaging to the skin and underlying tissue. Burns can occur on any part of the body, but in car and work accidents, they are most often sustained on the arms, torso, and face. The location of these burns can result in scarring that will be visible on a person for the rest of their lives. However, burn injuries can also be caused by defective products that may start a serious house fire, exposure to hazardous chemicals, friction burn from a fall injury, medical malpractice, or many other types of accidents that are the result of another person or company’s negligence.
Let Us Go to Work For You
Burn injuries can also have serious side effects like infection that can cause permanent damage to the tissue surrounding the burn area. Treatment for burn injury is extensive, and can be very painful and time consuming. When a burn kills layers of a person’s skin, the dead skin must be removed in order for the burn wound to heal. In some circumstances, the burns are so severe that they require skin grafting, which is an extensive surgical procedure that removes skin cells from one part of the body and replaces the skin that suffered burn damage. Regardless of the type of treatment and severity of the burn, all burn injuries are long-lasting and serious injuries. They can cause skin damage and scarring that remain throughout the rest of the victim’s life. A Brooklyn fire injury attorney can help a victim with their burn injury claim.
Contact Belushin Law Firm today for help from a law firm that has recovered millions for individuals like you.

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Our Victories Speak For Themselves
$3,500,000 Pedestrian Accident
$3,000,000 Labor Law Injury
$2,700,000 Workers' Compensation Injury
$1,200,000 Premises Liability Injury
$875,000 Pedestrian Accident
$500,000 Car Accident Injury